Pendidikan Kewirausahaan Bagi Santri; Sebuah Model Untuk Mengatasi Pengangguran Di Pedesaan

Slamet Widodo, Taufik R.D.A Nugroho


This research aimed to result entrepeneurship model for islamic students. In order to achieve that, it was expected to gain basic competencies needs map that should be owned by student. This research was held at Islamic Boarding School An-Nafi’iyah, Kampak Village, Kecamatan Geger of Kabupaten Bangkalan. Research result shown that 68.7% of students has low achievement urge, 22.4% include as medium category and the rest as much as 9.0% include as high category. Meanwhile, seeing from the sight of working ethic shown that 52.2% students has low working ethic, 22.4% include as medium category and 17.9% include as high category. There are 67.2% students in low enthusiasm, 22.4% others are in medium category and as much as 10% include as high category. There are 55.2% students in low innovative spirit, 29.9% are medium category and the rest as much as 14.9% are high category. Entrepeneurship education model was arranged based on students entrepeneurship spirit characteristic. Entrepeneurship education was purposed on three aspects, namely characters, concept, and skill.


entrepreneurship, education, boarding school, rural


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