Model of Development of Ruhul Islam In Bandung Islamic University

M Rachmat Effendi, Edi Setiadi


This study examines the quality of the development model of ruhul Islam and the increase in the diversity of lecturers and employees at Bandung Islamic University. The aim is to analyze the involvement of Unisba’s lecturers and employees in the development of Ruhul Islam. This study uses a qualitative approach with phenomenological methods, while data collection techniques are carried out through participant observation, literature study, in-depth interviews, and Focus Group Discussions. The results show that: first, the policy of developing the so-called the Spirit of Islam is carried out consistently; second, the development of the Ruhul Islam model is implemented by increasing the diversity of lecturers and employees already in line with the tridharma of higher education; and third, increasing the diversity of lecturers and employees is carried out systematically through a special program by the Islamic Studies Institute. The level of diversity can affect the development of the Ruhul Islam in the end. This research can be used as a model by other Islamic universities and it is expected to contribute scientifically to the development of Islamic studies.


This study examines the quality of the development model of ruhul Islam and the increase in the diversity of lecturers and employees at Bandung Islamic University. The aim is to analyze the involvement of Unisba’s lecturers and employees in the developmen

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