Existency, Role and Fading Local Wisdom of Tidal Farmer Community in Ciamis Regency

Iwan Setiawan, Predi Nanda Kurnia


The comprehensive and most successful modernization of agriculture in Indonesia occurs in rice farming, including its institutional aspects. In reality, in Lakbok District, local wisdom still plays an important role in rice farming in Tidal rice fields. This study aims to determine the existence and role of local wisdom in lowland rice cultivation in Tidal rice field and to find out the fading of local wisdom in the lowland rice farming system in Lakbok, Ciamis Regency. This qualitative research method and case study technique are conducted on indigenous people in Lakbok District, Ciamis Regency during 2018-2020. Four traditional leaders are selected as informants and interviewed in-depth, and 47 rice farmers are involved in the focus group discussion. Primary data are collected, selected, and coded, then analyzed dialectically and constructed visually into internalized patterns. The results reveal that local wisdom exists in the form of planting schedule (when to seed, plant, and harvest), water management, planting (cultivation techniques), land management and inheritance, harvest management, and post-harvest handling. These local rules that have been passed down from generation to generation are institutionalized collectively regarding traditional leaders (kasepuhan). Local wisdom exists and plays a role in the management of lowland rice farming systems and assists farmers in managing water, stabilizing production/productivity, and maintaining the integrity of paddy fields. However, its existence is increasingly eroded in the whole rice farming system (agribusiness). The recommendation is that the sustainability of local wisdom is largely determined by regeneration, internalization, and protection processes.


local wisdom, farming community, tidal swamps/paddy field

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v37i2.7748


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