The Consistency of Stakeholder Involvement in Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS

Alexsander Yandra, Khuriyatul Husna, Arizal Arizal, Andrizal Andrizal, Mutia Sari Nursafira


Reducing HIV/AIDS case requires collaboration between institutions. However, many institutions that should be involved in handling it do not even notice they are involved. The impact has been an increased in cases and inconsistencies in prevention and control of HIV/AIDS. Accordingly, this study intends to explore why some agencies do not notice their involvement in HIV/AIDS prevention and control. This research uses a qualitative method with a phenomenology approach due to the reason that the researchers want to comprehend, study in-depth, and elaborate what caused the stakeholders’ loss of consistency in HIV/AIDS prevention and control. The results expose that numerous stakeholders do not notice their agencies are part of the AIDS Commission management because of the following factors: unclear Work System Organization (SOTK), lack of budget availability, and incompatibility of the HIV/AIDS program with the institutions’ strategic planning. Therefore, the consistency of collaboration between stakeholders involved is essential in suppressing HIV/AIDS cases.


consistency, stakeholder, prevention and control of HIV/AIDS

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