Potensi Konflik Dan Pola Penguasaan Kawasan Suaka Margasatwa Bentayan Di Wilayah Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

Didi Tahyudin


The occupation and cultivation of Bentayan Wildlife Area (SM) into rubber and oil palm plantations was keep on going by the community, even up till now. As a results, its habitat condition was no longer suitable for the life of protected specific animals. This study will describe occupation patterns of Bentayan Wildlife area by the community, including its arrival. The results showed that community members arrival to Bentayan Wildlife area are  history of community migration due to economic constraints in the area of origin. There is an “opportunity” in Bentayan Wildlife area for the community to occupy this area due to lack of supervision from the authority. Economic needs and lack of supervision in Bentayan Wildlife area are the basic of community arrival which subsequently occupy this area. Occupation pattern seems relatively systematic with specific mechanism. Land occupation finally lead to conflict between community and government.


Occupation, Bentayan, Wildlife Area, Conflict


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v30i2.797


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