Analysis of Business Plan Using Business Model Canvas (BMC) on Modern Fish Market
Fish consumption is very important for human life. The potential for fisheries business has a pretty good prospect, because now the need for fish, both fresh and processed, has not been able to meet consumer needs. One of the local governments that has implemented the Integrated Marine and Fisheries Center Development Program to strengthen the economy, sovereignty and independence of regions, remote areas and rural areas, is Bandung district by building Sabilulungan Soreang modern fish market. This study aimed to determine the internal and external factors affecting the fish business program at modern fish market and analyze the canvas business model at modern fish market in Bandung Regency, West Java. The method used was SWOT analysis and BMC (business model canvas) with 45 respondents. The result of this research was that Sabilulungan modern fish market was in a strong internal position because it was above the value of 2.50. The main strength of Sabilulungan modern fish market was having a number of regular customers of more than 50%, with a score of 0.3912. Sabilulungan modern fish market was strong enough in optimizing existing opportunities in overcoming threats. The opportunity for Sabilulungan modern fish market was to collaborate with fishermen and other modern fish markets to produce quality fish and able to standardize fish prices in the market, with a score of 0.48146. From the BMC analysis, Sabilulungan modern fish market had a value proportion, namely prioritizing hygienic production without using chemicals to preserve fish.
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