The Implementation of Amanah Values in Islamic Organizational Culture

Sri Budi Cantika Yuli, Novi Primita Sari


The value of amanah has the meaning of being responsible for carrying out each task and obligation. This study aims at determining the understanding and application of employees related to amanah (trustworthiness) as an Islamic organizational culture at University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). This study applies the qualitative method and phenomenological approach. Data collection is carried out through interviews, observation and documentation. Furthermore, the data obtained are processed using qualitative data analysis techniques, namely Data Reduction, Data Presentation, and Drawing Conclusions. The results of this study indicate that employees at UMM have understood and applied amanah value as Islamic organizational culture. Indicators of the value include Fair as stated in QS An Nisa verse 135, Commitment as in QS An Nahl verse 91, Reliable as in QS An Nisa verse 58, Open as in QS Al Hadid verse 9, Independent as in QS Al Baqarah verse 256, Physically and Mentally Healthy as in QS Al Qashash verse 26, and Responsibility as in QS Al Mudatsir verses 38-39.


amanah values, islamic organizational culture, employees

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