Optimalisasi Plik (Pusat Layanan Internet Kecamatan) Dalam Meningkatkan Aksesibilitas Masyarakat Terhadap Informasi

Dedeh Fardiah, Rini Rinawati, Oji Kurniadi


The research background was based on the existence of internet facility through PLIK program on line, had made the community entered to the global information network. The society has a facility to access and gain various information, data, knowledge and networking unlimitedly via telephone communication and internet. But the implementation program in reality is differed. This research used case study method to the PLIK organizer which spread in town/regency in West Java. The aim of Research is to knot The implementaion , the obstacle and the Solutions of PLIK dissemination. The result of this research showed that the implementation can be categorized done by PLIK organizer to overcome the obstacles. They did  a report to local government, to PLIK operator into three types. They are passive PLIK, stagnant PLIK and creative PLIK


Implementation, Internet, PLIK.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v30i2.815


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