Consumption Patterns of Rural Community Users of Micro-Hydro Power

Nufian S Febriani, Fitria Avicenna, Sinta Swastikawara


One form of the environmentally friendly power plant is Micro Hydro Power (MHP). An area in East Java that uses MHP as a power source is Seloliman Village in Mojokerto. Although this village has the resources to produce electricity independently, not all residents are willing to use this energy for various reasons. This study aims to formulate consumption patterns of MHP users in rural areas based on socio-economic characteristics in development communication theory. To achieve this, quantitative research approaches and methods are used through the Near Ideal Linear Approximation Demand (LA/AIDS) system model using microdata from a survey that targets all residents in Seloliman Village up to fifty-three heads of families. Based on the results of previous studies, the researcher assumes that the consumption patterns of villagers are influenced by socioeconomic factors and the results show that in general socioeconomic characteristics play an important role in determining household energy consumption patterns


consumption pattern; sustainable energy; micro-hydro power (mhp)

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