Shifting Functions And New Meanings Of The Ritual Of Rejecting “Treatment “The Malay From Serdang Bedagai

Sutikno Sutikno, Wariyati Wariyati, Ramadi Ali


The ritual of rejecting reinforcements is a culture of the Serdang Bedagai Malay Community. Now the ritual of rejecting reinforcements has a new function, from a traditional function, to a commercialization activity. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative descriptive method. The shift occurs due to several factors including the attitude of the people who are open and willing to accept the changing times and the flow of globalization. This makes rituals that were previously not commodity goods into commodities, changing the function and meaning of traditional rituals into processes of production, distribution and consumption. This is very impactful and gives a new meaning to Reject Bala which has an impact on socio-cultural life. This shift has had an impact on increasing the income of the Malay community of Serdang Bedagai by commercializing the tola bala culture. In addition, the strategy of inheriting the ritual of rejecting reinforcements to the Malay ethnicity in Serdang Bedagai is carried out in three forms, namely (1) empowerment, (2) documentation and (3 ) development


Shifting; Meaning; Malay; Serdang Bedagai.

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