Analysis of Strategic Variabel for Development of the Indonesia – Papua New Guinea Border Area

Matheus Mika Gideon Rumbiak, Akhmad Fauzi, Dedi Budiman Hakim, Lala Kolopaking


The Republic of Indonesia (RI) - Papua New Guinea (PNG) is one of the national borders on the island of Papua and is located very strategically from a cultural, social, economic and political perspective. This region is an underdeveloped area with various complexities of problems in it. Nevertheless, in the context of improving people's welfare and maintaining states overeignty. This study aims to analyze strategic variables in the development of the RI-PNG border area with a prospective analysis approach using the MICMAC (Matrix of Cross Impact Analysis) method. The results showed that the key variables that have a strong influence and little dependence on the development of the RI-PNG border area are customary leadership, regulation, border governance, budget support and public infrastructure. These variables are also the driving variables that affect the overall development system.


Development; Border Region; MICMAC.

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