How Human Development Effect Poverty Alleviation in Origin and Expansion Regions?

Lak Lak Nazhat El Hasanah, Jihad Lukis Panjawa, Prastowo Prastowo, Jalu Aji Prakoso


The aim of this paper is to highlights the importance of humand development towards poverty alleviation with compares the different region status. This research uses econometric methodology with dummy variable regression analysis tools. The results showed that were no significant differences related to poverty conditions in origin and expansion. Overall, the conditions of poverty in origin and expansion in Eastern Indonesia are almost the same. Interesting findings in this study specifically indicate that an increase in the quality of human resources is able to reduce poverty in origin and expansion regions. It is expected, with regional autonomy through government expenses policies that are prioritized on improving the quality of human resources in various aspects able to overcome poverty in the origin and expansion regions.


Poverty; Human Development; Region Status.

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