Kemampuan Negosiasi Pengusaha dalam Meningkatkan Kesepakatan Bisnis

Yusuf Hamdan, Anne Ratnasari, Aziz Taufik Hirzi


Entrepreneurs as a business negotiator, in order to successfully improve the deal with his business partner needs to be supported by a variety of aspects. One of them through negotiation capability. This study aims to determine the ability of employers’ views on aspects of the negotiations digging courage, patience persists, ask for more courage, integrity, and their activities as a listener when negotiating. This research method qualitative single case study. Data collected by observation, interview, and literature. The informants were women entrepreneurs officers and members of Ikatan Wanita pengusaha Indonesia (IWAPI) West Java. The findings of this study, women entrepreneurs were able to dig up information, is able to give a sense of comfort to the other party during negotiations, have the patience to last longer than the other negotiator to provide timely and positive thinking, dare to ask for more focus on the purpose and process sequence achievement, integrity presses win-win solutions through commitment and attention to the common interest, capable of being a good listener through providing discussion time and as empathetic listener


wanita pengusaha, negosiasi, bisnis


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