Microbial Processing of Industrial Waste Made from Coconut for Sustainable Pangandaran Tourism

Wanjat Kastolani, Upi Supriatna


Abstract. Pangandaran is one of the tourist destinations in West Java province. Therefore the development of the industry must pay attention to the environment for Pangandaran tourism to be sustainable. This study aims to analyze the influence of local microorganisms to treat coconut-based industrial waste so that the waste is not harmful to tourists who carry out activities in rivers and beaches. The method used is to conduct experiments by adding local microorganisms to the waste and then testing it in a credible laboratory. Based on laboratory test analysis of 4 samples, the results of 3 samples showed a decrease in COD and BOD levels based on coconut waste quality standards and were suitable for disposal into water bodies (rivers or beaches). The conclusion is that the use of local microorganisms has proven to be effective in treating industrial waste in Pangandaran.


Industrial waste, coconut, local microorganisms

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v0i0.8555


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