Analysis of Company Characteristics to Company Value in Manufacturing Company Sector of Consumption Goods Industry Listed in Bei

Isnaeni Rokhayati, Ady Achadi, Sodik Dwi Purnomo


This study aims to examine the effect of profitability, dividend policy, firm size, and capital structure variables on enterprise value in Indonesia Stock Exchange- or IDX-listed companies for 2011-2015 period. The population in this study were 37 IDX-listed companies for 2011-2015 period. 12 companies were sampled purposively. The data were analyzed using multiple regression. The results show that probability, dividend policy, firm size and capital structure simultaneously have an effect on enterprise value. Partially, profitability and dividend policy have a significant positive effect on enterprise value, capital structure has a significant negative effect on enterprise value, and firm size has a negative, yet statistically insignificant effect. From the results of this study, it is expected that any company management pays attention to their profitability, dividend policy, and capital structure as these factors have a significant effect on enterprise value and thus they need to be maximized to make the enterprise value greater.


profitability; dividend policy; firm size; capital structure; enterprise value

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