Implementation of Electronic Ticketing Program Policies in Pekanbaru City

Panca Setyo Prihatin, Indri Cahyani


Empirically, there are still many people in Pekanbaru City who do not know the existence of E-tickets. Therefore, this study was conducted aiming to find out how the implementation of the electronic ticketing program policy in Pekanbaru City. This study used a qualitative research methods through a descriptive approach, where the data collection was carried out using observation, interviews and documentation techniques. The results showed that the implementation of the Electronic Ticketing Program for the Pekanbaru Police Traffic Police Unit could be considered less than optimal because the field officers did not really understand the E-tickets program and in its implementation. In addition, there were also several obstacles, including the absence of network. Furthermore, there were some people who were not aware of the existence of E-Tickets and its mechanism, so not all people who are ticketed follow the proper flow or mechanism.


Implementation, Policy and E-Ticket Program

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