Genius Loci of Adat Karuhun Urang (AKUR) Cigugur Community’s Settlement

Imam Indratno, Naniek Widayati, Irland Fardani, Muhamad Ramdani Pamungkas, Sena Hari Kuntoro


Adat Karuhun Urang (AKUR) Community is a customary community that lives by practicing their ancestral teachings. The existence of traditions and teachings shows that they have spiritual places or traditional places. This study aims to explore the Genius Loci or values contained within the space of the AKUR Community in Cigugur through an assessment concept developed on their Cultural Landscape. The assessment is divided into several elements comprising material forms, immaterial forms, and link forms. The results of this study indicate that the AKUR Community has a strong spirit and sense of the legacy of Prince Madrais. Formal identity and substantial identity are the characters that shape the existence of the AKUR Cigugur community. There are several challenges to maintaining the existence of the AKUR community, such as social interaction, the transformation of awareness, dialogue between stakeholders, organizational strengthening, and the role of local government.


genius loci, akur community, cultural landscape

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