The Intention to Hoard Food and Help during Covid-19 Pandemic

Heri Sudarsono, Retty Ikawati, Rindang Nuri Isnaini Nugrohowati


The government issued an emergency public activity restrictions policy to reduce Covid 19 cases. This policy causes people to tend to hoard food to anticipate food shortages. In addition, this policy creates empathy among the community to help others because some people have difficulty earning income. This study determines the effect of subjective norms (SN), perceived behavior control (PBC), health awareness (HAW), perceived social support (PSS), and religiosity (RE) on the intention in hoarding food (INHF) and helping people (INHP)  during restrictions. The respondents comprised 436 people from 22 provinces in Indonesia. Hypotheses were tested using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis method with Partial Least Square (SmartPLS) software. The results showed that SNHF affected INHF, while PBCHF and PBCHP positively affected the INHF and INHP. Moreover, PSS had a positive impact on the INHP, HAW negatively affected INHF and INHP, while RE does not affect INHF and INHP. This study analyzes the impact of the emergency public activity restrictions  (PPKM) policy in influencing SN, PBC, HAW, PSS, and RE to affect INHF and INHP during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia.


pandemic COVID-19; PPKM policy; health awareness; perceived social support; religiosity.

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