Management Strategy of International Students in Higher Education State Islamic Religion

Ahmad Syifaul Anam, Endang Supriadi, Ali Imron


Abstract. The existence of international students at State Islamic Religious Colleges (PTKIN) is a demand in globalization. Their presence is an essential element in realizing a world-class university. But on the other hand, his presence leaves homework and becomes a challenge for PTKIN to always appear excellent in its services. At the implementation level in the field, various problems arise in the management of international students at PTKIN. This study aims to find out in-depth the strategy of PTKIN in building a global campus through the recruitment of international students and to fully understand the form of management of international students while studying at the PTKIN campus and the prospects challenges towards a world-class university. The data or information obtained through participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies will be analyzed critically (critical analysis) to achieve the above objectives. The results of this study are that the prospects for State Islamic Religious Colleges (PTKIN) Towards World Class University at each university are not the same. This is because the academic and non-academic conditions of each university are different. State Islamic Religious Colleges (PTKIN) towards World-Class Universities are global competition and micro regulations and policies. The strategies and policies of PTKIN in managing international students to realize a World-Class University include improving services to international students, commitment to Good University Governance (GUG), strengthening the distinction of higher education, and increasing cooperation and collaboration.


Foreign Students, Strategy, Challenges, PTKIN, World Class University

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