The Externality and Sustainable Development Priority of Cross Border Tourism

Werenfridus Taena, Marce Sherly Kase, Felisisima Afoan


This study aims to (1) analyze the externality of Cross Border Tourism on sustainable development in Wini Indonesia, (2) analyze priorities recommendations for sustainable cross border tourism development in Wini Indonesia. The study used survey methods and data collections by means of observations and in-depth interviews with 20 respondents. Data analysis used the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) with three dimensions of development sustainability. This study found the externalities of developing cross-border tourism are economic (53.20%), social (31.20%) and ecological (15.60%). The economic externalities are positive, social externalities are divided into positive and negative, while environmental externalities are generally negative. The results of the analysis also recommend the development of the creative economy and investment in cross border tourism (52.20%), more professional and integrated tourism management between cross border tourism objects in Indonesia and Timor Leste (30.20%), and tourism development based on ecotourism (17.60%).


Cross Border Tourism; Externality; Sustainable Development.

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