Sustainable Development: An Overview of Sustainable Transportation Realized in the Special Region of Yogyakarta

Budiman Budiman, Etika Khairina, E. Letizia Dyastari, Tengku Imam Syarifuddin, Mochammad Iqbal Fadhlurrohman, Syifa Ayu Khairunisa


One aspect of sustainable development is the transportation sector. The concept of sustainable transportation is being implemented by Yogyakarta as a solution to create a livable city that can enjoy and use transportation comfortably. This paper aims to see the steps and priority programs carried out in the implementation of sustainable transportation by the Yogyakarta government by referring to the indicators themselves. The method used in this paper is descriptive qualitative by using the Interview, Observation, Documentation and Nvivo 12 Plus application methods as a supporter in the analysis. The results of the study indicate that the application of the concept of sustainability in the field of transportation in Special Region Of Yogyakarta is more on the economic aspect. Meanwhile, from the social aspect and natural causes in DIY, it has not been resolved. From the results of the analysis using N-Vivo 12 plus the social aspect only fulfills 16%, the environment 29% and the economy almost 42%. For sustainable development in the field of transportation, it is necessary to know more about policies regarding the application of both regulations and socialization to the community such as the use of public services with effective and efficient services. A deeper study of the transportation needs and mobility in the city of Yogyakarta, both from the road-based public transportation system, still needs to be done.


Implementation; Transportation; Sustainable Development

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