Pengaruh Manajemen Talenta Terhadap Distinctive Capabilities serta Implikasinya Pada Keunggulan Bersaing Industri Furniture Rotan

Annisa Ciptagustia




Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan manajemen talenta, distinctive capabilities dan keunggulan bersaing dan menguji pengaruh manajemen talenta terhadap pembentukan distinctive capabilities serta implikasinya pada keunggulan bersaing. Penelitin ini dilakukan di industri furniture rotan anggota ASMINDO Cirebon. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey explanatori. Unit analisisnya adalah perusahaan furniture rotan anggota ASMINDO yang berjumlah 85 perusahaan dan yang menjadi sampel yaitu 70 perusahaan yang tersebar di seluruh Desa di Kabupaten dan Kota Cirebon. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis jalur. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh informasi, bahwa tingkat manajemen talenta perusahaan furniture rotan anggota ASMINDO Cirebon dikategorikan cukup yang mengindikasikan sudah menyadari bahwa SDM adalah sumber keunggulan bersaing yang strategis. Distintive capabilities yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan furniture rotan anggota ASMINDO Cirebon dikategorikan cukup dengan berorientasi pada inovasi dan arsitektur. Keunggulan bersaing perusahaan furniture rotan anggota ASMINDO dikategorikan cukup dengan bersumber pada indikator pertumbuhan produktivitas karyawan. Tinggi rendahnya keunggulan bersaing perusahaan furniture rotan anggota ASMINDO Cirebon secara positif dipengaruhi oleh manajemen talenta dan distintive capabilities sebesar 46,8% sisanya 53.2% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti.


Kata Kunci: manajemen talenta, distinctive capabilities, keunggulan bersaing




The purpose of this study is to describe talent management, distinctive capabilities and competitive advantage and examine the influence of talent management on the formation of distinctive capabilities and their implications for competitive advantage. This research was conducted in the rotan furniture industry of ASMINDO Cirebon members. The method used is the explanatory survey method. The unit of analysis is ASMINDO member rotan furniture company, which amounts to 85 companies and which is a sample of 70 companies spread across villages in Cirebon Regency and City. The data analysis technique used is path analysis. From the results of the study obtained information, that the level of talent management in rotan furniture company members of ASMINDO Cirebon is categorized sufficient which indicates that they are aware that HR is a source of strategic competitive advantage. Distintive capabilities that are owned by rotan furniture companies of ASMINDO Cirebon members are categorized quite by being oriented towards innovation and architecture. The competitive advantage of the ASMINDO member rotan furniture company is categorized enough by sourced from the indicator of employee productivity growth. The high and low competitive advantage of rotan furniture companies in ASMINDO Cirebon members is positively influenced by talent management and distintive capabilities by 46.8%, the remaining 53.2% is influenced by other factors which are not examined.


Key words: talent management, distinctive capabilities, competitive advantage


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