Novy Yulianty


Post partum period is a critical period which caused various problems such as after labor depression. This makes mother feels the negative emotion i.e. sadness, disappointment and blames herself. This negative emotion would influence the behavior of mother, such as not taking care of the baby, the desire to hurt the baby, and moreover, a suicide attempt. REBT is a therapy that has the basic principle that emotional disturbance is the result of the arising of irrational belief. This research aimed to obtain a number of empirical data about the influence of REBT towards the decrease after labor depression symptoms in the city of Bandung. This research used Quasi Experiment method with Pre Post Design. Then, after labor depression symptoms were measured using a disturbance scale referred to the DSM IV which consisting of 44 items. The validity of the items has been examined. This research revealed that there is a decrease after labor depression symptoms experienced by both subjects after being given the intervention


Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy, After Labor Depression


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