Rahmi Aini


Anxiety can affect to anyone, including the prisoners who will be free from prison. This is related to the negative stigma of ex-prisoners. The ex-prisoners are still viewed negatively by society. There are some factors that cause anxiety to the prisoners who will be free from prison, such as irrational thoughts, assumptions and cognitive processing errors. This study aimed to determine to what extent the effect of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) in reducing the degree of anxiety on prisoners who will be free from prisons at Women’s Correctional Institution Class IIA in Bandung. This study used Quasi Experiment method with the One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Anxiety in this study was measured by using a measuring instrument based on the theory of DSM IV that covering aspects of physical characteristics, behavior characteristics and cognitive characteristics. The results of the study indicated a decrease in the degree of anxiety from high anxiety becomes low anxiety which was characterized by the changing of thinking and the existence of new rational belief after a given intervention in the form of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). Then, this study concluded that the provision of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) had an effect on a decrease in the degree of anxiety on prisoners who will be free from prisons at Women’s Correctional Institution Class II A in Bandung


anxiety, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), prisoners who will be free from prisons


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