Pendapat Pimpinan Universitas Islam Bandung Tentang Manfaat Media Sosial Bagi Kinerja Profesi Public Relations
Social media as a communication tool for sharing, giving, and use information. Social media in the context of this study examined in an effort to bolster the performance of the profession of Public Relations (PR). Fostering relations with the public, Public Relations Officer of Bandung Islamic University used social media to help its role as liaison with the leadership of subordinates and the university with the external public. This study used survey method with descriptive study approach. The study of the population was the leader at the Islamic University of Bandung. Hopefully, the results of this study can be useful and provide input to the profession of public relations (PR) in Bandung Islamic University. The use of social media in an effort to build relationships with the public. The coached relationship is intended to improve the quality of the University in the perception of stakeholders. This study resulted in finding new data and information, which is useful for PR related to the use of social media.
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