Penyajian Pesan Dakwah Bil Qalam Pada Buletin Al-Islam
This study discussed the message presentation of da’wah bil qolam on Al-Islam bulletin in terms of article properties. The goal is to know how big the nature of the factual, interpretative, convince, educate, and solve problems in the article of Al-Islam bulletin.
This study used content analysis method with quantitative approach. The sample of study is the entire article on Al-Islam bulletin issue of July-December 2014, with 24 articles. The study involved three coders. Measuring tool coders agreement used the formula Pearson's contingency coefficient C. The unit of analysis are paragraphs in articles of Al-Islam.
The results showed that the factual, interpretive and convince nature of article on Al-Islam bulletin was quite high.. The Education and problem solving nature of article on Al-Islam bulletin was medium.
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