Komunikasi Pemasaran Sekolah Internasional Darul Hikam
International School Darul Hikam (SIDH) Bandung is one of many international school in Indonesia. High competition SIDH Bandung urged to think about the proper marketing communication efforts in order to achieve the target number of new students constantly. The focus of this research is Marketing Communications SIDH How to Achieve Target New Enrollments. This research method is qualitative with a constructivist approach, the study site located at Jln. Maribaya No. 89, Lembang, Kab. West Bandung. The findings of this study is that the First, SIDH conduct marketing communications to achieve the target number of new students by way of marketing communications activities through Advertising, Personal Selling, Direct Marketing, Sales Promotion, Public Relations and Publicity, and also of Mouth Marketing. Secondly, SIDH build relationships with other agencies to achieve the target number of new students through cooperation with other agencies. Suggestions writer education services marketing communication should be a reference for marketers for the purpose of more focused and organized. Word of mouth marketing influential in marketing activities, because it is emphasized in marketing communications.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/scientica.v3i2.2459
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