Pertanggung Jawaban Pelaku Usaha Terhadap Kerugian Akibat Penggunaan Bahan Klorin Terhadap Produk Pangan (Beras)

Liya Sukmamulya


Food is a basic human need and its fulfill is a part of human rights.   The food must always be available every time, and it should be in good quality, nutritious and the price should be affordable to the community.  Certain system, which  protect the producers and the consumers. is needed for reaching the fulfillment. In fact, there are some producers who conduct fraud in food business, namely by adding the chlorine to the food. This additive contain may harm the human health, so that food does not meet food quality standards.

Based on above mentioned problems, this article will focus on the impact of the contaminated food  for the health of consumers and the responsibility of the producers against loss suffered by consumers due to consumption of food (rice ) chlorine-containing materials. The impact of consuming food (rice), may cause cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, anemia, high blood pressure. The producers shall take responsibility by paying restitution to the consumer and the consumers do not need to prove the fault


Tanggung Jawab, Prodesen, Klorin, Produk Makanan


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. ISSN 2086-5449 EISSN 2549-6751

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