Approach Implementationcontextual Teaching and Learning and Its Implications on Student PAI Learning Activities at Madrasah Aliyah Ibnu Rusyd Cileunyi Bandung

Sahliah Sahliah


Low learning process is the main problem in learning. In this case the teacher uses the Contextual  Teaching and Learning learning model. The purpose of this research is to reveal the innovation  efforts of Islamic religious education (PAI) learning through the contextual teaching and learning  (CTL) learning model in improving the quality of PAI learning at Madrasah Aliyah Ibnu Rusyd  Cileunyi Bandung. The focus of his research is the planning of contextual teaching and learning  models in improving the quality of learning, and the quality of PAI learning is the goal of the  contextual teaching and learning model at Madrasah Aliyah Ibnu Rusyd Cileunyi Bandung. This  study uses a qualitative approach to the type of case study. Interviews, observations, and  documentation were used to collect data. Then, the data were analyzed by reducing, presenting,  and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that: learning planning through the  contextual teaching and learning model is carried out by taking into account the suitability of KD  with methods, materials and models, selecting learning media and learning resources and the right  approach. In implementing the learning process berorientation to students (student-centered through  stagesConstructivism (Constructivism), Find (Inquiry), Learning Society (Learning Community),  Modeling (Modeling) and the actual assessment (authentic). The quality of PAI learning through  contextual teaching and learning, namely; teachers can build students' positive attitudes towards  lessons, student-centered learning has a positive impact on learning so that students are motivated  to learn and experience directly in learning so as to enhance the learning experience. 


Keywords: Implementation innovation, contextual teaching and learning models, Islamic Religious Education.

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