Global Medical and Health Communication

Global Medical and Health Communication is a journal that publishes medical and health articles published since 2013. Articles are original research that needs to be disseminated and written in English.
       In not so long time, Global Medical and Health Communication that managed by the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Bandung (Unisba) and published by UPT Publikasi Ilmiah Unisba already accredited by the National Journal Accreditation (Arjuna) managed by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia with 2nd Grade (Sinta 2) starting from Volume 7 Number 2 of 2019 to Volume 12 Number 2 of 2024. It’s also indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) on 9th May 2017 and Crossref on 2nd January 2018. With DOAJ and Crossref indexing, this journal can reach international audiences.
       This achievement received a positive response from researchers, lecturers, and health observers indicated by the articles submitted, three times the number of articles received initially. The quality of the articles also shows improvement in terms of methodology and writing that is useful for audiences. Research results were best to disseminate as early as possible to good use. Publication of the Global Medical and Health Communication every 6 (six) months in a year will be published every 4 (four) months starting in 2017.
       The news from science and health about challenges and opportunities in Indonesia is still very rare and Global Medical and Health Communication hopes to become the best means to support researchers, lecturers, and health practitioners to become the voice of Indonesia, especially in health.

pISSN 2301-9123 | eISSN 2460-5441

Journal Homepage Image

Vol 12, No 1 (2024)

APRIL 2024

Table of Contents


Aaron Chen Angus, Dinesh Sirisena
Muhammad Cariefzi Zahdffa Kusuma, Meiyanti Meiyanti
Ekorini Listiowati, Merita Arini, Mochamad Iqbal Nurmansyah, Emma Rachmawati, Agus Samsudin
Dwiwahju Dian Indahwati, Diana Krisanti Jasaputra, Arief Budiono, Julia Windi Gunadi, Ronny Lesmana, Steven Zerin Putra Kusmawan
Dony Septriana Rosady, Nysa Ro Aina Zulfa, Sony Bagja Pratama
Nawan Nawan, Septi Handayani, Agnes Immanuela Toemon
Joice Viladelvia Kalumpiu, Elly Herwana, Yenny Yenny, Kurniasari Kurniasari
Fitria Ratna Sari, Rika Nilapsari
Ida Effendi, Thomas Robertus, Jihan Samira, Arleen Devita, Widyasari Kumala, Isa Bella
Giyawati Yulilania Okinarum, Venny Vidayanti, Sri Hasta Mulyani
Meike Rachmawati, Nuzirwan Acang, Wida Purbaningsih, Rian Robian, Adhi Nugraha, Rina Melati, Aryanti Aryanti, Aninditya Putri Anugrah, Nazmy Noor Laila
Olih Solihin, Djuara P Lubis, Pudji Hasta Muljono, Siti Amanah