Lavender Flower/Mandarin Orange Peel Essential Oil-Soybean Oil to Repel Culex sp.

Susy Tjahjani, Hanan Aulalia, Genevieve Annishaningrat Zailani


Diseases including Japanese encephalitis and filariasis can be transmitted to humans by Culex sp. Many methods could be applied to prevent their bites from reducing their population or preventing them from their bites. N, N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET) has been widely used as an effective synthetic repellent, but DEET needs to be applied carefully, especially for children. Other repellents based on natural origin, i.e., Lavandula angustifolia D.C. (lavender) flower and Citrus reticulate L. (mandarin orange) peel essential oil and their combination with soybean oil, were studied in Parasitology Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Bandung on July–August 2018, for their repellent duration against female Culex sp. to find out the optimal formula. It is a simple randomized design with four replications and seven treatments, i.e., negative control, DEET, pure essential oil, pure soybean oil, three kinds of combination of essential oil and soybean oil in various ratios. The study was carried out using the arm in the cage method against four human arms, following Fradin and Day. The data were analyzed using ANOVA, continued with Tukey HSD with α=0.05. The result shows that DEET has the longest duration (p=0.000), the combination of each essential oil with soybean oil in 1:2 ratio had longer duration than the pure essential oil (p=0.000), soybean oil (p=0.000), and other combination ratios (p=0.000). It was concluded that a mixture of L. angustifolia D.C. flower/C. reticulata L. peel essential oil with soybean oil in a certain ratio was the ideal preparation to repel Culex sp.



Beberapa penyakit termasuk Japanese encephalitis dan filariasis dapat ditransmisikan ke manusia melalui gigitan nyamuk Culex sp. Banyak cara dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah gigitan nyamuk ini, baik dengan mengurangi populasinya atau mencegah gigitannya. N, N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET) telah digunakan secara luas sebagai repellent sintetik yang efektif, tetapi pemakaian DEET harus dilakukan dengan hati-hati khususnya pada anak. Repellent lain yang berasal dari alam, yaitu minyak esensial bunga Lavandula angustifolia D.C. (lavender) dan kulit buah Citrus reticulate L., serta campurannya dengan minyak kedelai telah diuji durasi proteksi terhadap Culex sp. betina sehingga diperoleh formula repellent yang optimal. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Parasitologi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Bandung pada Juli–Agustus 2018 dan menggunakan desain simple randomized dengan empat replikasi dan tujuh perlakuan, yaitu kontrol negatif, DEET, minyak esensial murni, minyak kedelai murni, dan tiga macam rasio campuran minyak esensial dengan minyak kedelai. Pengujian menggunakan metode lengan dalam kandang menurut Fradin dan Day dengan empat lengan sebagai empat replikasi. Analisis data menggunakan ANOVA, dilanjutkan Tukey HSD dengan α=0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa DEET memiliki durasi proteksi paling lama (p=0,000), durasi proteksi kombinasi minyak esensial dengan minyak kedelai rasio 1:2 lebih panjang dibanding dengan minyak esensial murni (p=0.000), minyak kedelai (p=0.000), dan rasio kombinasi lainnya (p=0.000). Simpulan, rasio tertentu campuran minyak esensial bunga L. angustifolia D.C./kulit buah C. reticulata L. dengan minyak kedelai merupakan sediaan ideal untuk menolak Culex sp.


Bunga Lavandula angustifolia D.C.; Citrus reticulate L. peel; Culex sp.; essential oils; kulit buah Citrus reticulate L.; Lavandula angustifolia D.C. flower; minyak esensial; minyak kedelai; repellent; soybean oil

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