Clinical Characteristics, Comorbidities, Length of Stay, and Mortality of COVID-19 Patients in RSUD Cideres, Majalengka, West Java

Herry Garna, Dika Rifky Fernanda, Gibran Bramasta Dirgavansya, Heru Haerudin, Zulmansyah Zulmansyah, Samsudin Surialaga, Lelly Yuniarti


Until now, the world is still facing the COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2. The number of deaths of COVID-19 patients in Indonesia is quite large when compared to other countries. Clinical manifestations, comorbidities, length of stay, and the mortality of COVID-19 vary widely in each study. This study analyzes clinical characteristics, comorbidities, length of stay, and mortality of COVID-19 patients in RSUD Cideres, Majalengka, West Java. This study is an observational study with total sampling and purposive sampling. Subjects were patients with nasal swabs confirmed SARS-CoV-2 and hospitalized at RSUD Cideres from January to July 2021. Clinical manifestations, comorbidities, length of stay, and mortality of COVID-19 patients aged ≥17 years old, were extracted from medical records. Results showed that the majority of 213 COVID-19 patients were age 41–60 years 114 (53.5%), female 114 (53.5%), with an upper respiratory tract in 207 (97.1%), and shortness of breath in 203 (95.3%) patients. 153 (71.8%) patients had a fever, while headache, diarrhea, and anosmia respectively 49 (23.0%), 19 (8.9%), and 10 (4.6%), respectively. Vital signs were the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) normal in 190 (89.2%) patients. Most of patients had respiration rate >20/min in 201 (94.3%), oxygen saturation <90% in 98 (46.0%), and chest x-rays: bronchopneumonia 134 (62.9%) and pneumonia 23 (10.7%). Comorbidities were hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and chronic heart failure in 74 (34.7%), 56 (26.2%), and 46 (11.7%) patients, respectively. The length of stay who died for 1–7 days (22 patients) and 8–14 days (9 patients); means almost all patients (29 of 32) died during the length of stay for 1–14 days. In conclusion, the majority of COVID-19 patients at RSUD Cideres are female, aged 41–60 years, had upper respiratory tract/shortness of breath, GCS normal, saturation oxygen <90%, chest x-rays: bronchopneumonia and pneumonia, comorbidities: hypertension, and length of stay for patients who died 1–7 days.



Hingga saat ini, dunia masih menghadapi pandemi COVID-19 yang disebabkan oleh SARS-CoV-2. Jumlah kematian pasien COVID-19 di Indonesia cukup besar jika dibanding dengan negara lain. Manifestasi  klinis, komorbid, lama rawat, dan mortalitas pasien COVID-19 sangat bervariasi pada setiap penelitian. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis karakteristik klinis, komorbiditas, lama rawat, dan mortalitas pasien COVID-19 di RSUD Cideres, Majalengka, Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian observasional dengan total sampling dan purposive sampling. Subjek adalah pasien dengan nasal swab terkonfirmasi SARS-CoV-2 dan dirawat di RSUD Cideres periode Januari hingga Juli 2021. Data manifestasi klinis, komorbid, lama rawat, dan mortalitas pasien COVID-19 usia ≥17 diambil dari rekam medik. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas 213 pasien COVID-19 berusia 41–60 tahun 114 (53,5%) dan wanita 114 (53,5%) dengan keluhan saluran napas atas 207 (97,1%) dan napas pendek 203 (95,3%) pasien. 153 (71,8%) pasien mengalami demam, sedangkan sakit kepala, diare, dan anosmia masing-masing 49 (23,0%), 19 (8,9%), dan 10 (4,6%) pasien. Tanda vital Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) normal pada 190 (89,2%) pasien. Kebanyakan pasien mempunyai frekuensi napas >20/menit pada 201 (94,3%) pasien, saturasi oksigen <90% pada 98 (46,0%) pasien, serta rontgen toraks: bronkopneumonia pada 134 (62,9%) pasien dan pneumonia pada 23 (10,7%) pasien. Komorbid adalah hipertensi, diabetes melitus, dan chronic heart failure pada 74 (34,7%), 56 (26,2%), dan 46 (11,7%) pasien berturut-turut. Lama rawat pasien yang meninggal 1–7 hari (22 pasien) dan 8–14 hari (9 pasien), berarti hampir semua pasien (29 dari 32) meninggal selama rawat 1–14 hari. Simpulan, mayoritas pasien COVID-19 di RSUD Cideres adalah wanita, berusia 41–60 tahun, keluhan saluran napas atas/napas pendek, GCS normal, rontgen toraks: bronkopneumonia dan pneumonia, komorbid: hipertensi, serta lama rawat pasien yang meninggal paling banyak 1–7 hari.


Comorbidities; COVID-19; komorbid; lama rawat; length of stay; mortalitas; mortality

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