Hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh dengan Kebugaran Fisik pada Petugas Keamanan di Institusi Pendidikan

Dony Septriana Rosady, Nysa Ro Aina Zulfa


Indeks massa tubuh (IMT) merupakan salah satu indikator status gizi. Indeks massa tubuh menjadi salah satu faktor yang memengaruhi kebugaran fisik. Kelompok pekerjaan petugas keamanan membutuhkan kondisi kebugaran fisik yang baik. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan mengetahui indeks massa tubuh, kebugaran fisik, dan hubungan indeks massa tubuh dengan kebugaran fisik pada petugas keamanan di institusi pendidikan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain potong lintang. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan April 2023. Data diperoleh dari data sekunder institusi dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 81 orang. Data indeks massa tubuh diperoleh dengan membagi berat badan (kg) dengan tinggi badan dikuadratkan (m2). Kebugaran fisik diukur dengan metode Cooper Test. Data dianalisis dengan uji fisher-exact. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 52 orang responden memiliki indeks massa tubuh berisiko (64,2%) dan 72 orang responden memiliki kebugaran fisik tidak baik (88,9%). Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara indeks massa tubuh dan kebugaran fisik petugas keamanan di institusi pendidikan (p<0,05). Berdasarkan data hasil penelitian tersebut maka disarankan upaya institusi menurunkan indeks massa tubuh dan meningkatkan kebugaran fisik para pertugas keamanan melalui program latihan fisik yang terstruktur selain diimbangi dengan asupan nutrisi yang bergizi dan seimbang.


Body mass indeks (BMI) is an indeks of nutritional status. Body mass indeks is one of the factors that influences physical fitness. The security officer job group requires good physical fitness. The research was conducted with the aim of determining body mass indeks, physical fitness, and the relationship between body mass indeks and physical fitness among security officers in educational institutions. The research was conducted with a cross-sectional design. The research was conducted in April 2023. Data was obtained from institutional secondary data with a total of 81 respondents. Body mass indeks data is obtained by dividing body weight (kg) by body height squared (m2). Physical fitness was measured using the Cooper Test method. Data were analyzed using the Fisher-Exact test. The results showed that 52 respondents had a risky body mass indeks (64.2%) and 72 respondents had poor physical fitness (88.9%). There is a significant relationship between body mass indeks and physical fitness of security officers in educational institutions (p<0.05). Based on the research data, tis recommended that institutional efforts be made to reduce body mass indeks and increase the physical fitness of security officers through a structured physical exercise program in addition to being balanced with nutritious and balanced nutritional intake.


Indeks massa tubuh; kebugaran fisik; Body mass index; physical fitness


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