Pengaruh Fraksi Air Buah Lemon (Citrus limon) terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah Mencit Tua yang Diberi Pakan Tinggi Lemak

Rina Permatasari, Yuke Andriane, Herry Garna, Oky Haribudiman, R.A. Retno Ekowati


Diabetes melitus merupakan salah satu penyakit yang menjadi masalah terbesar pada abad 21. Obesitas (terutama obesitas viseral) dan resistensi insulin sering disertai dengan sekelompok kelainan yang disebut sindrom metabolik yang mencakup intoleransi glukosa, trigliserida tinggi, kolesterol HDL rendah, dan hipertensi. Lemon mengandung flavonoid yang dipercaya mempunyai aktivitas menurunkan kadar glukosa darah. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui perubahan kadar glukosa darah pada mencit tua yang diberi pakan tinggi lemak setelah pemberian fraksi air buah lemon (Citrus limon). Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Hewan Gedung Farmasi ITB dan Laboratorium Hewan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Bandung pada bulan April−Juni 2018. Metode penelitian ini adalah eksperimental laboratorium murni in vivo dengan desain penelitian rancangan acak lengkap terhadap 28 mencit tua jantan galur DDY yang terbagi dalam lima kelompok, yakni kontrol normal, kontrol negatif, konsentrasi 20,6 mg/20 gBB, 41,2 mg/20 gBB, dan 82,4 mg/20 gBB. Pengukuran glukosa darah puasa dilakukan setelah masa adaptasi, saat perlakuan (hari ke-15), dan setelah perlakuan menggunakan glukosameter. Analisis data menggunakan Uji Kruskall-Wallis dan Uji Friedman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan median GDP1 antarkelompok yang signifikan (p=0,05), perbedaan median GDP2 yang tidak signifikan (p=0,08), dan perbedaan median GDP3 yang tidak signifikan (p=0,66). Terdapat perbedaan median GDP13 yang signifikan antara kelompok konsentrasi fraksi air buah lemon (p=0,04). Simpulan, fraksi air buah lemon memiliki efek menurunkan glukosa darah.



Diabetes mellitus is one of the biggest problems of the 21st century. Obesity (especially visceral obesity) and insulin resistance often present with a group of disorders commonly called metabolic syndrome including glucose intolerance, high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol, and hypertension. Flavonoid compounds in lemon is believed to have blood glucose lowering activity. The purpose of this study was to determine changes in blood glucose level in old mice given a high-fat diet after administration of water fraction of lemon (Citrus limon). This study was held at Animal Laboratory of Pharmacy ITB and Animal Laboratory of Faculty of Medicine Bandung Islamic University in April to June 2018. The method of this study was pure in vivo laboratory experiment with a completely randomized design to 28 old male DDY strain mices divided into five groups; normal control, negative control, concentration 20.6 mg/20 gBW, 41.2 mg/20 gBW, and 82.4 mg/20 gBW. Fasting blood glucose measurements were performed after adaptation, ongoing treatment (day 15), and after treatment using glucosemeter. Data analysis used Kruskall-Wallis test and Friedman test. The results showed that there was a significant GDP1 median difference of each groups (p=0.05), a nonsignificant GDP2 median difference (p=0.08), and GDP3 median difference were not significantly different (p=0.66). There was a statistically significant difference between median GDP13 between each water fraction of lemon concentration groups (p=0.04). Conclusion, the water fraction of lemon has the effect of lowering blood glucose.


Citrus limon; diabetes melitus; glukosa darah; blood glucose; diabetes mellitus

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