Scoping Review: Efek Nefroprotektif Black Garlic/Aged Garlic pada Hewan Model Renal Injury

Sitti Indah Sari Pratiwi Maradjabessy, Sandy Faisal, Maya Tejasari


Kerusakan ginjal atau renal injury didefinisikan sebagai penurunan fungsi ginjal yang meliputi cedera (kerusakan struktural) dan gangguan (hilangnya fungsi) ginjal. Salah satu bentuk antioksidan yang digunakan sebagai pengobatan kerusakan ginjal adalah sediaan black garlic yang merupakan bawang putih (Allium sativum L.) yang telah difermentasi dan memiliki banyak antioksidan poten. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh black garlic/aged garlic terhadap kerusakan ginjal pada hewan coba model renal injury. Metode pada penelitian ini adalah Scoping Review. Pencarian sistematis dari beberapa database, yaitu SpringerLink, ScienceDirect, ProQuest, EBSCO dan Google Scholar. Artikel yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi sebanyak 2.259 dan yang memenuhi kriteria ekslusi berdasar atas kriteria PICOS yang dilakukan oleh 2 peneliti, didapatkan hasil 14 artikel. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama periode Maret–Desember 2020 Hasil analisis serta identifikasi dari 14 artikel, keseluruhan artikel menunjukkan pengaruh positif black garlic/aged garlic pada ginjal hewan coba. Dari 14 artikel, ditemukan perbaikan mikrostruktur ginjal,  fungsi ginjal meningkat, peningkatan kadar antioksidan pada ginjal, penurunan marker stres oksidatif serta penurunan mediator inflamasi. Kesimpulan analisis pada penelitian ini adalah black garlic/aged garlic memiliki sifat nefroprotektif yang melindungi ginjal dari kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh stres oksidatif.


Nephroprotective Effects of Black Garlic/Aged Garlic on Animal Model of Renal Injury: a Scoping Review

Kidney damage or renal injury is defined as decreased function of the kidneys, which includes both injury (structural damage) and impairment (loss of function) of the kidneys. One form of antioxidant that is used to treat kidney damage is black garlic, which isgarlic (Allium sativum L.fermented) and has many potent antioxidants. This study aims to analyze the effect of black garlic/aged garlic on kidney damage in animal models of renal injury. The method in this research is the Scoping Review. Systematic search of several databases, namely SpringerLink, ScienceDirect, ProQuest, EBSCO and Google Scholar. There were 2,259 articles that matched the inclusion criteria and those that met the exclusion criteria based on the PICOS criteria conducted by 2 researchers, the results were 14 articles. This research was conducted during the period MarchDecember 2020. The results of the analysis and identification of 14 articles, all of them showed the positive effect of black garlic/aged garlic on the kidneys of experimental animals. From 14 articles, it was found that there was an improvement in renal microstructure, increased renal function, an increase in antioxidant levels in the kidney, a decrease in markers oxidative stressand a decrease in inflammatory mediators. The conclusion from the analysis in this study is that black garlic/aged garlic has nephroprotective properties that protect the kidneys from damage caused by oxidative stress. 


Aged garlic/black garlic, antioksidan, kerusakan ginjal, nefroprotektif, stres oksidatif; Aged garlic/black garlic, antioxidant, kidney damage, nephroprotective, oxidative stress

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