Pengaruh Pencegahan Fraud Terhadap Good Governance (Studi Kasus pada Itwasda Polda Metro Jaya)

Eddy Sarwono



Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia sebagai salah satu lembaga yang melaksanakan fungsi pemerintahan dituntut untuk mendukung serta melaksanakan good governance. Namun masih banyaknya keluhan masyarakat yang tidak puas terhadap kinerja Polri yang banyak diliput oleh media dan menjadi sorotan masyarakat luas merupakan indikasi bahwa lembaga Polri belum dapat mewujudkan good governance. Selain itu adanya berbagai tindakan pelanggaran dan penyalahgunaan wewenang (fraud) dalam banyak pelaksanaan tugas Polri. Penelitian ini memperdalam pengaruh pencegahan fraud yang terdiri dari identifikasi symptom & redflag, identifikasi peluang, assessment symptom, red flags dan peluang, pelaporan dan monitoring terhadap good governance di Polda Metro Jaya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pengisian angket oleh seluruh anggota Inspektorat Pengawasan dan Daerah (Itwasda) di Polda Metro Jaya. Wawancara mendalam dengan Irwasda Polda Metro Jaya dilaksanakan untuk memperoleh penjelasan lebih lanjut. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa di Polda Metro Jaya pencegahan fraud secara umum sudah baik, good governance sudah baik, dan pencegahan fraud yang terdiri dari yang terdiri dari identifikasi symptom and redflags identifikasi peluang, assessment symptom,red flags dan peluang, pelaporan serta monitoring secara bersama-sama  mempengaruhi good governance adalah sebesar 49,5%. Saran yang diberikan adalah perlu adanya upaya peningkatan kompetensi bagi personil Itwasda, penyelenggaraan sistem remunerasi yang terintegrasi, dan optimalisasi pengawasan dan pemeriksaan melalui munculnya gejala-gejala (symptoms) sebagai pencegahan fraud.


Kata kunci: pencegahan fraud, good governance, Polda



The Police of the Republic of Indonesia as the public institution that performs functions of government are required to support and implement good governance. However, there are still many complaints of people who are not satisfied with the Police’s performance which is widely covered by the media and became the public spotlight. This is an indication that the Police institution has not been able to realize good governance. Besides, there are various acts of violation and abuse of authority (fraud) in various duties of the Police. This research objective is to deepened the influence of fraud prevention which consists of identification of symptom & redflag, opportunity identification, assessment symptom, red flags and opportunity, reporting and monitoring on good governance at Polda Metro Jaya. The the questionnaires were filled by all members of Regional Supervision Inspectorate (Itwasda) in Polda Metro Jaya. In-depth interview with Irwasda Polda Metro Jaya was conducted to obtain further explanation. The results show that in Polda Metro Jaya there are good fraud prevention, good governance, and the influence of fraud prevention which is consisting of identification of symptom and redflags of opportunity identification, assessment symptom, red flags and opportunity, reporting and monitoring simultaneously affect good governance in the amount of 49.5%. It is suggested that Police has to improve the personnel competency in Itwasda, to implement integrated remuneration system, and to optimize the supervision and audit through any incurred symptoms as the fraud prevention.


Keywords : fraud prevention, good governance, Regional Police (Polda)


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