Analisis Kinerja Bagian Pengaduan Masyarakat Sekretariat Jenderal DPR RI

Tulus Santoso, Teguh Kurniawan


This study discusses about the performance of the Public Complaints Section, Secretariat General of the House of Representatives in managing the delivery process of public aspirations and complaints. To deepen the analysis, this research incorporates the concepts of organization, bureaucracy, and performance. This study applies a qualitative approach with descriptive type of writing. This study collects data through literature studies, interviews, and field observations. This study reveals that the Public Complaints Section has problems in terms of quantity and quality of human resource analysts. Public Complaints Section is neither effectively nor efficiently able to manage complaints and aspirations of the community. This makes the performance of Public Complaints Section underperformed. Finally, this study recommends that the General Secretariat of Parliament has to optimize the quantity and quality of human resources in the Public Complaints Section. Furthermore, members of the House of Representatives are expected to involve in empowering the section.


public complaints, performance, organization, bureaucracy


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