The Influence of Communication Media Usage towards Fishermen’s Empowerment in Pasaran Island Bandar Lampung

Serly Silviyanti, Amiruddin Saleh, Musa Hubeis, Ninuk Purnaningsih


People’s empowerment could be done in several ways in all elements of society. One of the ways is by taking advantage of media for the Fishermen. Fishermen have a lot to fix in terms of their business system. On the other hand, in order to have an appropriate competence and to take advantage of business opportunities, the use of media to get the information and to gain new knowledge is highly needed. This research is conducted in Pasaran Island since it is the center of fish processing in Kota Bandar Lampung. The sample of this research is the whole group members of fishermen as many as 125 people. The research data collected consist of primary and secondary data, and then these data are tested with rank Spearman and path analysis correlation statistics. The result of this research shows that based on the rank Spearman correlation analysis, the factors related to the use of communication media result age and education level have high correlations with the use of media. The number of family dependents, the length of work as a fisherman and also the income do not have high correlations with the use of communication media. From the path analysis, it is revealed that fishermen’s characteristics have direct influences on fishermen’s empowerment but they also have indirect influences as well by the use of media means. Those refer to age and education level.


communication,media, empowerment


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