Simbol-Simbol dalam Komunikasi Keluarga Beda Agama
This article is one of the research having the plurality of cultural ethnic and
religion background. The religion identity is an important dimension for all societies.
The goal of the article is to analyze the role of interpersonal communication in a family
with different religion, analyze the meaning of symbols in an interaction within the
family with different religion, analyze the supporting and restricting communication
factors in a family with different religion. Several perspectives were used as theoretical
framewaork, i.e Phenomenology, and Cross Cultural Communication. This reseach
employed in-depth interview and observation as data collecting technique.The role of
interpersonal communication in a family with different religion cannot be separated from
initiation, experiment, intensification, integrity, bond and the role of communication
effectiveness such as supportiveness, empathy, objectiveness and equality. The meaning
of communication symbols in a family with different religion is due to language, rituals,
national days, food, and dress. The supporting factors are respect each other, protect,
tolerance, cooperation, and mutual cooperation. Whereas the restricting factors of
interpersonal communication in a family with different religion, are avoiding the dialogue
about faith, freedom, and religion education for children.
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Koran Kompas 28/5/2009.
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