Perception, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies of Irrigated Paddy Farmer Community to Face Climate Change

Siska Rasiska Suantapura


Climate change has a real impact on the condition of agriculture in developing countries, including Indonesia. Irrigated paddy farmers are the ones really feeling the impact of climate change. Therefore, we need to understand the perceptions, mitigation and adaptation strategies of irrigated paddy farmer community to face climate change. The study is conducted in Indramayu and Tasikmalaya Regency in West Java by using descriptive survey method, regression analysis and path analysis through Structural Equation Modelling approach with Lisrel TM 8.5. The results showes that: (1) changes to climate variability affects the productivity of rice; (2) perception of irrigated paddy farmer community on climate change and its affects are influenced by internal and external factors; and (3) adaptation strategy are influenced by internal and external factors, whereas no mitigation strategy. Therefore, mitigation and adaptation strategies with site specific location are very necessary improving climate information services, increasing empowerment of farmers through field schools, and providing the provision of facilities that are practical and adaptive to climate.


climate change, perception, mitigation strategies, adaptation strategies

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