The Development Of Red Chili Agribusiness Cluster With Soft System Methodology (Ssm) Approach In Garut, West Java

Sri Ayu Andayani, Lies Sulistyowati, Tomy Perdana


Red chili is one of the commodities with high price fluctuation and gives influence to inflation. It happens due to the unsustainable supply of red chili from the central production centers to the market. Bank Indonesia (central bank) initiates a cluster system to support price controlling and regional economic growth. In this regard, the study is conducted  in Garut regency, which is one of the centers of red chili plantation in West Java and uses as cluster development, and yet there are still many obstacles along the way. This paper has the objective to describe the problem which causes unsustainable production and affects industrial supplies systemically and also to analyze the existing partnerships in order to maintain the continuity of supply as an alternative solution.This study was designed qualitatively with case study method through a system approach namely soft system methodology (SSM). The results shows that the problems in the cluster of red chili are ranging from production planning to the delay of sales payment process which systemically interlinked and the collaboration of executors that have not been optimally implemented. This study offers solution for those problems accordance with change formulation of SSM and industrial emphasis on fairness, transparency and integrated optimization with the principle of production sustainability from all stakeholders through participative collaboration to maintain continuity of production.


Agribusiness,Cluster,Sustainability,Red chili, Soft system methodology

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