Communication Pattern And Skill Of Leaders In Private University Management

Ani Yuningsih, Dadan Mulyana


Communication strategies and skills supported by mutually supportive management tools are one of the managerial skills that must be mastered by private university (PTS) leaders. Leadership communication skills and style will form organizational communication patterns that will become the foundation for a healthy and effective organizational climate to develop its vision and mission. This research is done by using case study method at some PTS which is representation of PTS profile in West Java. The research results indicate that communication pattern of PTS leaders is still conventional, that is following the existing organizational structure, along with some informal communication form. Leadership communication skills are diverse, and include organizational communication skills, interpersonal communication, group communication, and social communication. All types of skills are required, but there are still some skills that have not been done optimally, such as group communication skills and social communication skills.


communication skill, communication climate, effective organization

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