Mediating of Store Image on Customer Trust for Organic Vegetables

Doni Purnama Alamsyah, Andry Trijumansyah, Oda I. B. Hariyanto


Nowadays, organic vegetables have not yet become the important attention of customer in Indonesia due to the risk of more expensive price. Truly, customer trust is needed in solving some risk's view on product which will burden the customer. Remembering that organic vegetables are only sold in supermarket retail, a review on mediating effect of store image is conducted to improve customer trust on organic vegetables. The objects of this study are costumers of supermarket in West Java province. There are 361 respondents who have been analyzed through Structure Equation Model. The research finding states that store image can mediate the relationship of perceived quality and perceived risk for organic vegetables with an aim  to improve customer trust.


Perceived Quality, Perceived Risk, Store Image, Customer Trust

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