Consistency between Political Party’s Program and Policy Product in Bandung Regency

Dede Sri Kartini, Neneng Yani Yuningsih, Iyep Saefulrahman


After political parties win election, several political issues will be formulated into a series of alternate policy. Based on this system, political parties have a role to collect the will of society and then use it as consideration to make various public policies. Vision and mission of Golkar as the winner of 2010 elections, has become vision and mission of all SKPD even the village chief, the realization of the programs when Golkar’s candidate used rural development policy product as source of campaign in 2010-2015 local elections for Bandung Regent, have been consistent.  In the other side, the obstacles are human resources in rural areas which frequently changed when trained by BPMPD, late disbursement in rural development and grants for Uninhabitable Houses (Rumah Tidak Layak Huni) are insufficient and not equally distributed. Moreover, the policy has been already consistent between Golkar’s programs with the product of public policy, particularly in the field of rural development. If the government is able to cover up weaknesses in the implementation of rural development programs, it should fulfill the needs of rural communities for employments on dry season as priority program for the followings years. Based on this research, it can be concluded that, in the micro policy level, the policies face a distortion because of mismatch between the tasks and functions BPMPD in reality,



Public Policy, Polital Party, Program, Rural Development

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