The Role of Leaders in Building Islamic Work Ethos

Muhardi Muhardi


The background of this research is the well-practiced Islamic working ethos in Bandung Islamic University as an Islam-based education institution. This finding drives strong motivation to acknowledge the subject behind the implementation success. Because of that, the primary goals of this research are to analyze employees’ working ethos in the Islam-based education institution, and the role of middle-line and first-line leaders to form the employees’ working ethos. This research utilized a case study method with a descriptive approach, where the employees of Bandung Islamic University’s Post-Graduate Program as respondents. Primary data collected through interview, meanwhile secondary data was gathered from administration documents. The result reveals that the employees working ethos is on a decent level, by the involvement of Ruhul Islam existence. There is a significant role of middle-line and first-line leaders in building the employees’ working ethos, which are respectively dominated by legitimate power, and referent power utilization.


Islamic working ethos, leaders, Ruhul Islam.

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