Aktivitas Jus Jeruk Nipis pada Mencit Jantan Swiss Webster yang Diinduksi Prokarbazin Hidroklorida

Suwendar Suwendar, Bertha Rusdi, Kiki Mulkiya Yuliawati


Anti thrombocytopenia activity of the Citrus aurantifolia fruit juice using direct counting methods on adrenaline-induced mice has been carried out.  The induction effect tests of chloramphenicol, phenylbutazone and adrenaline were studied.  Results showed that adrenaline at the dosage of 0.08 mg/ kg body weight given intravenously, gave thrombocytopenia effect after 9 and 12 minutes. Anti thrombocytopenia effect of the juice of Citrus  aurantifolia fruit given orally into mice induced by adrenaline has been studied. Results showed that the juice of Citrus aurantifolia fruit at the dosage of  18 ml / kg of  body weight during seven days increased the thrombocyte count significantly (P<0.05). The juice at 9 and 4,5 ml / kg of body weight inhibited the decrease of trombocyte count.


Anti Thrombocytopenia; “Citrus aurantifolia”; Direct Counting Methods; Adrenaline


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v24i1.253


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