Kajian Model Pembelajaran Statistika di SMP melalui Penerapan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik

Siti Sunendiari, Yani Ramdani


The issue surrounding schools nowadays is Competence-Based-Curriculum (KBK). It is believed that the adoption of KBK on the whole curriculum will improve students performance in knowledge acquisition. Based on this situation, the research aimed to evaluate the application of Realistic Math Education Approach (PMR Methods). In fact, some elements and mission  of  KBK are similar  with  Realistic Math Education Approach. Students of Senior High School in East Bandung are selected as research population. Six classes were randomly sampled as control. The research was conducted and analyzed by ANAVA test. And the results are: (1) PMR method is considered effective among low grade students with variety of capabilites;  (2)  Mechanistic method  is  only  effective  among  low (capability) students of high grade in school; (3) a positive trait toward PMR methods is found among students.


Model Pembelajaran; Statistika; Matematika Realistik


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v24i1.257


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