Hubungan Otonomi dengan Regulasi Diri pada Bidang Akademik Siswa SMU Terpadu

Lisa Widawati


This research aimed to analyze the relationship of autonomy with self-regulation in academic area, and gaining deep understanding concerning autonomy aspects which supporting the establishment of self regulation among students of first-, second-, and third-grade in SMUT Krida Nusantara. The whole population being surveyed is 293, consisted of 99 respondents in first grade, 100 respondents in second grade, and 94 of third grade students. Referring to Autonomy Theory of Steinberg and Self-Regulation Theory of Zimmerman, a questionnaire with Likert Scale was built. A hypothesis derived from conceptual framework is stated: “A positive relationship between Autonomy and Self Regulation variables do exist in academic area of students in SMUT Krida Nusantara”. Research results which was carried out by statistical correlation of Spearman’s Rank showed that the hypothesis is proven to be true. A depth analysis in interpreting the data has found out that autonomy and self regulation acquiring by third-grade-students is better than other group of students. This paper recommended the importance of giving opportunity for students to develop their autonomy in order to increase student’s capability to regulate themselves in academic matter.


Otonomi; Regulasi Diri Remaja


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