Driving Factors and Rate of the Innovation Adoption of Sibata Carrots
Imported carrots which came to Indonesia have replaced local carrots in the market. Demand of imported carrot quality were fulfilled by Katata farmer group through institutional innovation such as seed application, plant space arrangement, and harvest pattern management. According to the farmers behavior who were difficult to adopt the innovation, it is necessary to identify the driving factors of innovation rate in carrot cultivation. The objective of this paper firstly identify how fast the innovation adoption rate of farmer; secondly, identify the driving factors of Sibata carrot cultivation rate. This paper is quantitative research design using Rank Spearman correlation. The result showed that there are 11 of 20 driving push the Sibata carrot cultivation rate, which are: economic benefit, quality benefit, innovation trialability, innovation observability, income, information source, input services quality, supervision, farmer-supervisor communication, price guarantee and market guarantee. Social, economic, and technological aspect are simultaneously have a signicant relationship in determine the adoption rate.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v33i2.2674
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