Exploring the Heritage Value of Space in Sang Cipta Rasa Mosque, Keraton Kasepuhan
Sang Cipta Rasa Mosque is an integral part of Keraton Kasepuhan incorporated within the area as a whole. The Keraton Kasepuhan itself is located in Cirebon City. Heritage value is an aesthetic value, history, scientific work, and social-spiritual value derived from the long history of historical places (Kalman;2014;200). Sunan Gunung Jati is a historical figure in the spread of Islam as well as a King in Cirebon. “Sang Cipta Rasa” Mosque is a place that becomes a milestone in the spread of Islam by Sunan Gunung Jati. The Mosque is not only a place of worship mandatory for Moslems but also as a place of spiritual awakening of the ummah (Agustina; 2015;2016). The spatial viability of the mosque through periods of civilizational changes is a phenomenon subjected as the main interest of this research. This research is part of writer’s desertation research using Husserl’s phenomenology method implemented in Keraton Kasepuhan. This paper is written as a continuation of the aforementioned previous research, resulting in an in-depth exploration concerning the aesthetic values of spatial symbol of the mosque. The purpose of this paper is to explore the heritage value in Sang Cipta Rasa Mosque. The finding of the exploration is a construction of perceived heritage value of both macro and micro space of Sang Cipta Rasa Mosque.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v33i2.2730
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